Did you know you could print your own checks for as little as 4 cents per check? If you write a lot of checks, have multiple bank accounts, multiple businesses or use pre-numbered checks, I have good news for your. MICR printing software is very affordable and will save you both time and money.
Here are five reasons to seriously consider using MICR check printing software:

1. Pre-numbered checks are not cheap. You can save as much as 10 cents per check by printing your own checks.
2. If you use pre-numbered checks and make a mistake, you have to void the check number and print another check. It takes you more time and will cost you even more money... even if the printer goofed and you didn't!

3. The MICR check printing software can be used with your current accounting program. You'll recover your MICR software investment quickly.
4. Good MICR check printing software will print all required check information plus your signature in one-pass. No need to waste your time re-running or signing checks.
5. Most businesses already have the laser printer required to print MICR checks. By far the most popular printer for MICR checks printing is the HP LaserJet.

In addition to the laser printer, you'll need two more items: First, you need an MICR Toner cartridge designed specifically for your laser printer. To learn how to purchase MICR toner cartridges at huge savings, check out www.1st-in-micr-toner.com.
Second, you'll need blank check safety paper to insure quality printing.

Of the five reasons mentioned above, the one-pass MICR printing software option is the most important. If the MICR software has to print more than one time, you run the risk of wasting time and paper. Remember, you want your MICR printing software to save you both time and money.So, if you want to reduce your cost and time without sacrificing check quality, check out MICR check printing software today. The savings will add up quickly.